Browser Instances

Creating browser instances

To create a WebDriver browser instance:

from webdriverplus import WebDriver
browser = WebDriver('firefox')

Currently supported browsers are firefox, chrome, ie and remote.

The default browser is firefox. If called without any arguments, WebDriver() will create a firefox instance.

browser = WebDriver()


Because starting up a web browser instance on every test run can be a significant performance hit, WebDriverPlus provides an easy way to allows instances to be reused between test sessions.

Setting the reuse_browser flag ensures that when you call driver.quit() the browser will be returned to a browser pool, and reused when you create a new WebBrowserInstance:

browser = WebDriver('firefox', reuse_browser=True)

There are some important aspects to bear in mind about this behaviour:

  • WebDriver Plus currently has no way of clearing browser history or cache. Be aware that this may affect the behaviour of tests.
  • On quitting the browser and returning it to the pool, WebDriver Plus will clear any cookies for the browser for the current domain. It has no way of clearing all cookies for all domains. If you have test cases that access URLs from multiple domains, consider if you need to explicitly clear any cookies between sessions.
  • WebDriver Plus will only retain one instance of each browser type (Eg Firefox, Chrome etc...) in the pool. Instances will only be reused if the arguments to the WebDriver() constructor have not changed since the previous instance was created.


By default WebDriverPlus will ensure that when a python process quits it will attempt to quit any remaining open WebDriver instances.

If you do not want this behaviour set quit_on_exit to False:

browser = WebDriver('firefox', quit_on_exit=False)

Quitting browser instances

To quit a WebDriver broswer instance, call quit():



Setting the force flag causes the browser instance to quit and ignore the value of the reuse_browser flag. The instance will be terminated and will not be returned to the browser pool:


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